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Safety analysis of aircraft encountering wake vortex(PDF)


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Safety analysis of aircraft encountering wake vortex
HAN Hong-rong1LI Na2WEI Zhi-qiang1
1.School of Air Traffic Management,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China; 2.China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology,Beijing 100028,China
flight safety wake vortex stall speed wake vortex field rolling bank angle
The response mechanism of aircraft encountering wake vortex was analyzed,and the calculation model of induced moment was developed.The calculating model of aircraft’s rolling parameters was constructed based on considering of the damping characteristics of aircraft,the response times,the handling qualities and so on.The calculation model of the accepted maximum bank angle was constructed based on the assumption that the buffet stall speed was posed as a critical limit in calculating the rolling progress.The rolling parameters and safe intervals of wake vortex under certain wake vortex’s field condition were calculated by using Delphi7.0.The influences of aircraft mass,speed,altitude tolerance and initial bank angle on flight safety were analyzed.Research result shows that at a certain speed,the greater aircraft mass is,the smaller the accepted maximum bank angle is.The safe interval of aircraft with certain mass decreases with the increase of speed and the decrease of altitude tolerance,while it increases with the increase of initial bank angle.Comparing the data calculated by the models with ICAO standard data,the maximal deviation is 1.56%,which verifies the correctness of the computation method.


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Last Update: 2012-02-28