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Influence of widening modes on subgrade settlement of expressway(PDF)


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Influence of widening modes on subgrade settlement of expressway
FAN Hong-ying12SHE Xue-sen1BIAN Han-liang1DING Kun3ZHAO Liu-hui4
1.School of Highway,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,Shaanxi,China; 2.Shaanxi Provincial Highway Survey and Design Institute,Xi’an 710068,Shaanxi,China; 3.Fujian Research Institute of Communications Science and Technology,Fuzhou 350004,Fujian,China; 4.North-West Mining Geology Group Co.,Ltd.for Nonferrous Metals,Xi’an 710054,Shaanxi,China
expressway widening mode widening width subgrade settlement numerical analysis
In order to research the influence of widening modes on subgrade settlement for expressway,the numerical models of subgrade settlement on the unilateral and bilateral symmetry widening modes of Xitong Expressway were set up,the change rules of top surface settlement,differential settlement and horizontal displacement of slope toe for subgrade were analyzed by using the finite element method,and the comparison result of numerical simulation values,layer-wise summation method’s computation values and observation values for subgrade settlement in bilateral symmetry widening mode was analyzed.Analysis result indicates that when the widening widths are same,the decrease amplitude of settlement for old subgrade center in bilateral widening mode is 15.2% larger than the value in unilateral widening mode.The difference of subgrade settlement in widening 2 lanes on both sides is 24.3% of the value in broadening 4 lanes on one side.With the increase of widening width,the center settlement increment of old subgrade decreases gradually,and the displacement of the maximum settlement to the inside of new subgrade edge is 3-5 m.The maximum settlements from numerical simulation,layer-wise summation method and field observation are 18.40、18.74 and 16.06 mm respectively,which indicates that the numerical simulation method is reliable,and the simulation conclusion and the observation result are consistent.


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Last Update: 2012-02-28