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Automotive ABS control strategy based on logic threshold(PDF)


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Automotive ABS control strategy based on logic threshold
ZHENG Tai-xiong MA Fu-lei
Institute of Automotive Electronic and Embedded System, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
automotive engineering anti-lock braking system(ABS) control strategy logic threshold slip ratio automotive reference speed correctional peak-to-peak connection method
In order to solve the impact of the estimated accuracy of automotive reference speed on logic threshold control method, automotive reference speed was estimated by using correctional peak-to-peak connection method, and an automotive ABS control strategy was put forward. In the strategy, automotive slip ratio was main control threshold and automotive acceleration was secondary control threshold. A control test was carried out on the road with high attachment coefficient. Test result shows that at 45 km·h-1, the curves of automotive reference speed and real speed match, the maximal error is 6.4%, and the average error is less than 1.6%. Automotive braking time is 3.2 s, the braking distance is 15 m, and the average deceleration is 3.9 m·s-2. Obviously, the control effect is good and the control strategy is credible. 2 tabs, 7 figs, 11 refs.


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Last Update: 2010-04-20