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Computational method of engine thrust in aircraft take-off track calculation(PDF)


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Computational method of engine thrust in aircraft take-off track calculation
SONG Hua-yu1 CAI Liang-cai2
1. School of Science, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710038, Shaanxi, China; 2. School of Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an 710038, Shaanxi, China
airport clearance air take-off track engine instantaneous thrust Lagrange interpolation
In order to confirm aircraft take-off track, a computational method of engine instantaneous thrust was put forward by using numerical calculation theory. Based on certain engine instantaneous thrusts and thrust curve, the unknown thrusts were calculated by Lagrange interpolation. Two certain aircrafts' take-off tracks were computed when their engine instantaneous thrusts were calculated by the algorithm, and a comparison between computation tracks and actual flight test fitted tracks was made. Comparison result shows that the maximum absolute error of aircraft 1 is not more than 10 m, and the one of aircraft 2 is not more than 35 m. The maximum relative error of aircraft 1 is not more than 3.9%, and the one of aircraft 2 is not more than 8.3%. The result indicates that the algorithm is precise and feasible. 2 tabs, 3 figs, 10 refs.


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Last Update: 2010-04-20